Role of IDA
  • Transmission of technical/scientific information to the members both to individual as well as institutions. This is achieved through publication of Indian Dairyman and Indian Journal of Dairy Science. Indian Dairyman, a monthly periodical, is a mouthpiece of the dairy industry, which besides publishing technical, scientific and trade-related articles, updates its members with latest information in dairy industry, including status in regard to domestic market prices. Indian Journal of Dairy Science is a bimonthly journal, which primarily covers research articles.
  • To organise periodic Conferences, Seminars and Workshops on subjects of current interest.
  • To maintain an inventory of dairy scientists, research workers and dairy planners and professionals employed in the different sphere of the dairy industry including consultants in the field.
  • To undertake consultancy projects both overseas as well as in the country whenever such a request is received from any central ministry of the Government of India.
  • IDA being a representative body of the Indian dairy sector, do time-to-time, intervene on the policy issues like presentation of pre-budget memorandum, addressing issues arising out of the tariff rates, import/export, sanitary standards including PFA issues etc. It has also been trying to address the issues arising out of WTO/SPS etc.
  • To IDA has got a fairly well equipped Library and maintains a Data Bank, which stores information on Indian Dairy Industry as well as International Dairy Industry.